Nexthink Event Connector

The purpose of the Nexthink Event Connector is to send Nexthink real-time analytics in a third-party application like ServiceNow, Splunk, or Azure Data Lake Gen2 for its consumption in a highly configurable way.

Latest releases

v1.5.0 (October 2023)

  • Support for installations in Nexthink Appliances based on Oracle Linux 8

  • Support for new events tables:

    • device_performance

    • session_performance

  • Fixed minor bugs.

v1.4.0 (October 2021)

  • OAuth 2 authentication support.

v1.3.0 (March 2021)

  • HTTP/ HTTPS Proxy support (with None or Basic authentication). New parameters are now required in the GENERAL section.

  • Upgrade of dependencies to the latest stable version

  • Fixed bugs: Modified log folder permissions

v1.2.0 (December 2020)

  • Event Connector can send performance telemetry to Nexthink.

v1.1.0 (September 2020)

  • Azure Data Lake Gen2 support

Last updated